Want to talk?

Email me on [email protected]

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    Details of all events will be added on this page in the links below:

    In the meantime please sign up to my email newsletter to receive information on all events, news, podcasts etc, or follow my instagram (and join my instagram channel for live information and special offers) @benbidwell_  Thank you!

    Connect Monthly Workshop – Join my monthly online Breathwork & Introspective Coaching workshop for a transformative journey into self-awareness and growth. Each session is designed to expand your potential as we tap into a new area of personal development, using powerful breathwork techniques and human potential coaching practices.

    – 1-2-1 transformational breathwork sessions – A 90 minute session curated to where I see your needs (this would require a 10 minute consultancy call a couple of days before the session).
    – “Breathe Into Life” – 6 month 1-2-1 Breathwork and Human Potential Coaching Programme to uncover what’s holding you back, and align you with your desired future.
    – “Breathe Into Life” – Group Programme – Or I am running this as a 4 month group container from November ’24, a chance to experience the benefits and power of my breathwork and coaching experience, at a more accessible rate.