Now as some of you may have noticed, my recent posts have been less nakedness & more mindfulness & meditation. As I often get asked why I am naked in the first place, I want to take a moment to talk about it.
I want to change the perception of mental health, what it is & how we can improve it. I want to bring awareness to some of the detrimental ways we unconsciously choose to live & to inspire those of you who are looking for inspiration to choose a path in life that suits you better. It might sound corny but I mean it, I’m passionate about this way of being.
So my images are here to, well bring a bit of shock and uniqueness to your instagram feeds, but also to represent & empower the words that I share. How? Well they are representing my quest for freedom & my search to find the inner courage to remove any masks that I may have worn to fit in with society. I am here fully expressing myself, this is the naked, raw version of me, unapologetically myself. I’m making a stand in not being afraid of judgement, it shrinks my true persona & leads me to normalise myself to fit in with society’s expectations. That way of being didn’t work for me, I didn’t feel truly alive. My images represent the creative nature I have within, the burning fire I have inside me to do something remarkable in line with my own dreams, of no longing living in autopilot mode doing what I think I am supposed to do.
So I hope my images do two things for you, 1) shock or attract you into engaging with my profile & the messages I share, 2) tell a story of vulnerability, freedom & creativity that embody everything that I write about. He may not be the most obvious of philosophers but I heard John McEnroe say that there is a direct correspondence between success on the tennis court & how freely you express yourself when playing. I believe the same can be said for life, I’m here to express myself fully.
My images aren’t easy to get, they require persistence & an element of bravery, but I hope they tell a story & serve a purpose. They are here to stay, just perhaps not in every post, either way I will keep sharing with passion & purpose, thank you to you all for joining me.